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The framework that was created as an experiment, laid dormant for years, was put into production for years, and ultimately released here in a new form.

It centers around mapping URIs to classes and method calls, a router.

It's not complete. So, it's missing some things, but it works and is fairly straight forward to use.

There is no expectation that this will be the next big thing. It's here only because the project is being developed, and is in the wild.

The framework also consists of a collection of tools, in addtion to the router. This toolbox continues to grow, but for now there are things like a method to provide a default value in the case of nulls, and a method to return booleans for various value types.

As development continues, the following list are some of the items that will hopefully be addressed:

  • The documentation
  • Test scripts
  • Authentication
  • HttpRequest library
  • Thorough testing for CORS support
  • PSR-7 compliant

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